


Great Tips to Stay Slim Through the Holidays

Toward the last of every year arrive the break-times we all look ahead to. Getting together with family and friends, food, drinks, snacks, desserts and big meals will be in over abundance. It's a playfulness time but how to you avoid the trap of not gaining weight? It is very possible to keep the weight off and even continue losing weight throughout this time of the year. Here's is how to stay slim and fit through the holidays

Toward the last of every year arrive the break-times we all look ahead to. Getting together with family and friends, food, drinks, snacks, desserts and big meals will be in over abundance. It's a playfulness time but how to you avoid the trap of not gaining weight? It is very possible to keep the weight off and even continue losing weight throughout this time of the year. Here's is how to stay slim and fit through the holidays.

All year long you have worked to lose weight. Now with the holidays in sight you are afraid that all that hard work may be lost. It is very possible not to gain weight during the holidays and still have fun with family and friends and parties and gatherings if you make smart choices.

One of the worst things we seem to eat more of during the holidays is food that is high in sugar. Sugar in quantities of more than 15 grams per day can contribute to that unwanted belly fat you have been trying so hard all year to lose. So, one way to keep the weight off during the holidays is to watch your daily intake of sugar.

Halloween really kicks off the holiday season. And talk about sugar, that's what Halloween has become, a nightmare for sugar. Try to watch how much candy you eat during this time. . Think if you have to eat chocolate, dark chocolate contains less sugar than milk chocolate and also has healthful anti oxidants.

Vegetable snacks are always a better substitute. When everyone else is eating candy and you want to take part, try substituting vegetable snacks instead.

Next up, comes Thanksgiving and all the other year end holidays. Lots of food, parties, snacks and drinks to enjoy and you don't want to miss out on all the fun. Consider ordering beer or a glass of wine instead of a mixed drink. Most drinks like these contain mixers that are high in sugar content. Beer and wine, by comparison contain less sugar. Just one mixed drink of say gin or vodka and tonic contains as much as 23 grams of sugar. That's more sugar in one drink that you should consume all day long if you want to keep the weight off. Many doctors believe that red wine also contains anti oxidants and anti aging properties.

Watch what you eat at the parties. There are usually lots of high sugar snack foods at parties. Try to mingle more and munch less.

Desserts are very popular during this time of the year. Try your best to fill up on the main course items of the meal and politely pass on the high sugar desserts.

Keep up the exercise. Even if you are away from place you can still workout. Walking is something you can do anywhere. Walk in the morning before family social gathering. Walk in the evening after the large meals. You may not be able to go to your local gym when you are out of town, but you can still walk where ever you are and burn off a few of those extra calories.

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